Missy H. Dunaway 是美国的一位艺术家,2013年离开美国去土耳其学习艺术绘画,2010到2013年间她获得过卡内基梅隆大学的绘画材料和视觉文化学士学位,她的作画方式非常特殊,是在一本随身携带的笔记本上创作,作品曾经在华盛顿、芝加哥、柏林、英国展出。
I am an American artist who left the United States in 2013 to study art in Turkey. I used to keep a written diary, but began recording my days by painting in a Moleskine sketchbook with acrylic ink. My medium is portable, so I was able to pack up my art supplies and continue travelling.The book slowly grew into a collection of one hundred landscapes that depict my journey through New York, Istanbul, central Turkey, the Moroccan Sahara and Paris.
Irma Gruenholz 满是生活气息泥雕艺术
Vladislav Ociacia 科幻概念艺术作品集
Boris Seewald 舞动人生动画艺术
Vickie Liu 美味甜甜圈食品艺术
ChanClayrene 指甲油服饰渲染艺术