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2023-12-27 05:34:17 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理


克萨猫咪金属龙骨创意蜡烛是有设计师Thorunn Arnadottir 和 Dan Koval一起设计的一个内涵龙骨的猫咪造型的创意蜡烛,粉色的蜡烛造型猫咪,当你点燃蜡烛以后,蜡烛燃尽之时,里面的金属龙骨就会显现。


Pet Candles Melt into Metal Skeletons


Is it odd to watch something cute as this pet candle gradually turning into creepy metal skeleton? That contrast is what we usually say: cool!

A cute cat shaped candle reveals the wild beast inside her, a grinning metallic skeleton with fire blazing in her eyes!

PyroPet is a new brand created by designer Thorunn Arnadottir and Dan Koval, product developer. PyroPet is a family of animal shaped candles that each reveal a surprise within as they burn. The first PyroPet product is a cute little cat called "Kisa". ("Kisa" means "kitty" in Icelandic).


As the sun begins to set and the shadows lengthen on the wall take a match and light the wick on Kisa. Settle into a cozy chair and relax. Watch as Kisa burns. Look at her shadow on the wall. A lazy warping profile of a kitten in the gathering evening darkness. But look closer. That is no kitten's profile. That is a skeleton's profile! Now look back at your candle. Your cute kitten's now melted skin has peeled back to reveal a menacing flame scorched skeleton. Its sharp teeth glinting in the candle light and fire filled eyes staring back at you unblinking and unamused.


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