Ototo 创意感应式音乐弹奏乐器是由一个叫做 Dentaku 的团队做出来了一个“音乐创造套装,接上 USB 和自家开发的感应器之后,Ototo就会变身 MIDI 控制器,可以把任何物品变成可以弹奏的乐器,光源、触控、呼吸也可以成为音乐的演奏方式。
Ototo 提供了 7 种不同的感应器,这就意味着,你不仅仅可以通过“触摸”乐器来得到音效,还可以通过光线的明暗,上下滑动,按压的力度,呼吸的节奏等方式来控制音高和音长。下图就是一个滑动的变声器,找跟扫帚接上它?你可以通过滑动扫帚柄到不同距离而获得不同的音高。
Dentaku 团队称,这些感应器的工作原理是通过电容传感,Ototo 会测量接上物品的电容,然后人的触摸会让电容增加,所以产生不同的声音。而在该产品出货之后,Dentaku 团队还将会把该产品的代码开源,希望藉此激发社区的创意和音乐灵感。
Dentaku 做了 40 多个原型机,这些设备已经在伦敦传媒学院的公开 workshop 上使用,作为新的音乐尝试普及给大众,尤其是青少年和儿童。他们预计在今年 6 月批量出货,120 英镑则可以在 Kickstarter 上预定全套的设备。
Ototo is an all-in-one musical invention kit which allows you to make an instrument any way you want.Ototo has got everything you need to make sound interactive: it’s a synthesiser, it’s got 12 onboard touch sensitive inputs and a range of different sensors which can be connected to 4 sensor inputs.
You can make sounds straight out of the box by touching the keys to trigger notes. By connecting conductive materials or objects to the keys on Ototo you can make them react to touch; turning anything you can imagine into an instrument. The keys on the Ototo are arranged like one octave of a musical keyboard. When you connect an object to a key using crocodile clips, you can trigger that note on your object.
There are four sensor inputs which control the different elements of the sound, one each for pitch and loudness and two that control the texture of the sound. Connect a light sensor to control the pitch or create a sound that reacts to your breath - it’s up to you!