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52岁的她活得像25岁 原来她的保养秘诀这么简单!

2018-10-13 20:16:17 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理

   最近,Instagram上火了一组照片,那就是《X战警》中“暴风女”的扮演者Halle Berry。Halle生于1966年,今年52岁,Halle Berry的52岁是这样的↓↓↓

52岁的她活得像25岁 原来她的保养秘诀这么简单!


  Halle Berry has had a remarkable career as an actress, starring in some truly unforgettable films and being recognized with an academy award. However it turns out that if she had chosen a different path, this yoga goddess could quite easily have become a professional athlete, such is her motivation and dedication to fitness.

  作为演员,Halle Berry的职业生涯十分瞩目,她的作品让人难忘,因此也得到了学院派的嘉奖。如果Halle不做演员的话,她有可能会成为一名职业运动员,她对健身的动力十足,也甘愿流汗付出。

  Now aged 52, having just celebrated her birthday, Berry has an Instagram account that details exactly how she maintains her youthful looks, and with 2.8 million followers it seems like she is an inspiration to many. She shares tips on her often gruelling workouts, with her ‘Fitness Friday’ series showing different yoga poses, weights workouts, boxing and meditation, with her fitness coach Peter featuring alongside her.


  She says she trains her mind as well as her body through yoga and meditation. “For me, being athletic and super fit is also about being still. I never go a day without some sort of meditation. Trust me, it will start to transform your thinking, which will change your life. When I’m done, I have ultimate clarity and I feel at peace”, says Halle Berry.

  Halle Berry说自己通过瑜伽与冥想训练自己的灵魂与身体:“运动与保持健康对于我而言会让我变得平静。我每天都要冥想。相信我,冥想会改变你的想法,这又会改变你的生活。当我每次冥想完,我都觉得自己无比豁达,感觉自己内心无比平和。”

  Berry’s fitness regime also contains some kickass boxing and weightlifting elements. “I know how hard it is to get motivated at times, but when my workout is fun, it’s a whole lot easier! It’s often easier to workout with a partner. A partner holds you accountable so you won’t quit halfway through. I also want to share one of my secret weapons that I think has helped me defy my age and look and feel younger than my years. The secret is Bone Broth! It’s made with bones that are simmered for at least 8 hours”


  其实,不光Halle Berry,还有很多人通过数一十几年计的锻炼达到了永葆青春的目的,比如这位50岁的台辣妈刘叶玲,看起来和自己的儿子年龄相差无几。

52岁的她活得像25岁 原来她的保养秘诀这么简单!

  她保持年轻的秘诀就在于Regular exercise for three decades!(坚持锻炼三十年!)

  "I swim in the lake and do weight training every day. My favorite thing is swimming outdoors in winter." In 2016, she swam from the shores of Penang, Malaysia to the Strait of Malacca – that's a whopping 7.45 miles in just 4 hours! Her motto is that if you think you look rough, that's because you haven't sweated enough."

  刘叶玲表示: “我每天会在湖里游泳,并且会做举重训练,我最喜欢户外冬泳。”2016年,她从马来西亚的Penang,游到了马六甲海峡,差不多4小时游了7.45英里!她的座右铭就是,“如果你觉得自己看起来太粗糙不够美丽,那说明你的汗没有流够。”



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