

来源:国外网站推荐 收录时间:2018-10-15



ScoopShot:众包式图片摄影平台是芬兰赫尔辛基是一家芬兰的初创企业,成立于 2011 年。它提供的按需众包摄影市场可让用户上传和出售照片、视频、目击证人报告及其他有价值和时效性的内容,与图片社、公民新闻类型的新闻服务等形成竞争关系。


Scoopshot 他们成功募集到 390 万美元 A 轮融资,将继续向全球拓展他们的图片众包服务。Scoopshot 利用他们不断壮大的 35 万用户,为超过 60 家媒体和出版社提供新闻图片。这些媒体包括新闻集团以及加州报纸出版商协会,绿色和平组织和诺基亚也曾通过 Scoopshot 的服务来应对突发事件。Scoopshot 的移动应用支持 Android、iOS 及 Windows Phone 等多个版本。

“过去 3 年的发展,Scoopshot 毫无疑问已经成为行业领导者——通过众包服务为品牌商和出版商提供他们所需的图片。” Scoopshot 投资人之一的克里斯·巴查克(Chris Barchak)说,Scoopshot 很可能颠覆现有数字图片的销售模式,原因是他们的报价一般都可以承担,而服务又具有特定的委托性质——风景照还是人物照?直接向他们开口就是了。

Scoopshot定位为素材、时效摄影等的反向市场。为出售的图片增加按需的元素。买家可以布置本地、国内及国际类的照片“作业任务”,再由用户根据要求拍摄或上传买家所需的照片,而 Scoopshot 则从成交中抽佣。

Scoopshot 创始人和 CEO 佩特里·拉赫亚(Petri Rahja)说这笔投资有利于强化 Scoopshot 的销售和营销队伍,同时拓展美国市场——没错,他们打算在这里挑战传统的新闻图片市场。

P2S Media Group Inc. was established in April 2010 and is located in Helsinki, Finland. Privately owned, the company is run by a team of spirited serial entrepreneurs with successful track records. The company develops and runs the groundbreaking Scoopshot® photo crowdsourcing service that connects mobile and professional photographers with individuals, international media companies and brands around the world.

We want to make unique and authentic photography available for everyone! The photo buyers can easily acquire creative and unique still and video images and the photographers can get rewarded for their best photos.

The proprietary Scoopshot® software solution, fully developed by the company founders and the passionate Scoopshot team of 15 members, provides a simple yet effective solution for streamlining crowdsourced photography content and creating innovative mobile campaigns globally and locally. Our team is constantly innovating, developing and improving the existing service.

Scoopshot currently offers the media and brands unrivalled access to more than 280,000 photographers, and counting, in over 170 countries worldwide. Scoopshot's service is used by more than 60 publications globally including Metro International, WAZ Media Group, the Daily Star, De Persgroep, Ebyline, MTV3 Finland, Expressen and Hürriyet.

Scoopshot has recently launched a new web-based platform, Scoopshot Labs. The new service, published May 2013, aims to make crowdsourcing and authentic mobile photography accessible to everyone, individuals and companies alike. Feedback regarding the new service is highly welcomed.


